Detectives solve mysteries. And business is full of mysteries.
For example: it’s one thing knowing who your best channel partners are, but what exactly are those partners doing the best? Can
you replicate their performance in other partners – and if so, how? Are there signs that any of them may be falling out of love with
It’s true, of course, that you might get some of that information anecdotally, or even intuitively. You might even get it directly in
conversation, like a detective would. But detectives also look for clues in other places – clues that are often more reliable and
In business, one of the best sources of those clues is data.
One of the great things about data is that it’s a source of truth. It is objective and detached. It has no agenda, it isn’t swayed by
emotion, it doesn’t judge.
And data analytics is a loyal tool, available and willing to put its smarts to use. It is very clever, able to dig through and distil
mammoth amounts of information very quickly. It is diligent, doing so without fuss or resistance. It is obedient, answering what you
ask of it.