3 Things to know about the post-COVID-19 customer and the new loyalty program landscape
COVID-19 has shaped a new customer experience as well as changed the loyalty program landscape. No aspect of consumer life has been left unchanged in response to managing the pandemic. From reduced shopping hours to product choices, social distancing, mandatory masks and hand sanitising. These are all changes people are willing to make in the […]
7 Ways to incentivise agile high performing teams.
Typically, incentive program strategy is focused on rewarding individual achievements. But with agile team practices on the rise, you need to think about how you can tailor an incentive strategy to reinforce the team-specific behaviours that are the essence of agile methodology. How does rewarding differ in agile teams? The agile team approach emphasises collaboration, […]
How an employee recognition framework can enhance your company culture.
Organisational culture is defined as the values, visions, language, behaviours and beliefs that make up a company’s working environment. And the foundation of a strong company culture is employee recognition. Employees who feel appreciated and valued are more engaged, satisfied, loyal, and deliver better work. In a word, they’re happy. Studies show that happiness […]
5 Ways to avoid conflict in your sales channel.
While occasional channel conflict is good, constant conflict is not. Managing channel conflict is critical to building and sustaining a healthy multi-channel sales organisation. While occasional conflict is unavoidable, too much of it could be a sign that you’ve saturated the market. The situation can get nasty fast. If left unmanaged, channel conflict will hurt […]
3 Tried and tested strategies to improve sales growth across your manufacturing channels.
Manufacturers are under pressure to improve productivity and meet ever-increasing demands for innovation. But, before you can start producing more, you need first to be selling more. Here are three tried and tested methods for using new technology and open communication to help increase manufacturing channel sales. 1. Focus on existing customers Strengthening relationships with […]
Here’s how an incentive program can help pharma manufacturers exceed their sales targets.
In the pharma industry, products rise and fall for various reasons. Central to a new product’s commercial success, however, is the sales reps and their motivation to sell. Motivation is the key to any successful people management role, particularly in sales. Motivated workers perform better, leading to increased sales and profits for the company. Incentive […]
8 Ways your business can increase employee productivity.
Looking at the stats, South Africa has a major productivity problem. So how can your business increase employee productivity? South Africa’s employee productivity has dropped by 4.40% year-on-year as of June 2020, compared to a drop of 0.48% in the previous quarter. The pandemic driven disruption to workplace structures and processes accounts for some of […]
How retail can build the customer experience of the future.
The customer experience of the future is all about digital. No one would argue that 2020 was a year of significant change and disruption. But some of the developments we’ve seen in the consumer space have been on the horizon for some time and the necessary changes to business as usual just accelerated implementation. While […]
5 Keys to a winning sales incentive plan.
Incorporating a sales incentive plan is one of the best ways to motivate your sales team. Sales directors are always looking for ways to motivate their sales team. Incorporating a sales incentive plan is one of the most typical forms of increasing motivation levels and improving sales. There’s a reason why 90% of top-performing companies […]