Why aren’t more businesses doing personalisation better?

Home Rewards The potential is alluring, but getting there is more of a crawl than a sprint. There are reasons for that.The Loyalty Lighthouse lowdown:The potential of personalisation is alluring, with benefits for companies, their employees, business partners and customers. But despite its promise, good personalisation is still uncommon. That’s because there are obstacles, especially […]

Data as detective: showing you things you otherwise wouldn’t see

Home Sales & Channel IncentivesData is full of hidden clues. If you can find them, you can use them to solve difficult business challenges. The Loyalty Lighthouse lowdown:Data can reveal and illuminate aspects of business that previously might have been hidden or inaccessible. It provides clues that can be used to solve important business challenges, […]

Business’s data with destiny

Home Customer LoyaltyData’s practical arrival might be a little delayed, but it’s coming. And it’s bringing some gifts.The Loyalty Lighthouse lowdown: A few years ago, data talk was all the rage. Themedia hype was tangible. Yet, it hasn’t quite arrivedyet; not with the anticipated bang. Don’t be misled: itmay be taking a little while, but […]

Reward forward: eternal, but evolving

Home RewardsRewards are enduringly and universally reliable. But the way they’re given and used changes across generations and over time.The Loyalist lowdown:Rewards work. And many reward programs today look similar to what they did in the past. It’s in the details that they’ve changed and improved. Cash value rewards still rule, but what they’re redeemed […]

From mass media to minutiae, from reach to reaching out

Home Customer LoyaltyThese days, communicating with different customers is a lot more complicated. But it also presents a lot more opportunity.The Loyalist lowdown:The proliferation and splintering of media, and the different ways in which people use them, makes communicating with customers more complex than ever. It’s more layered and detailed, and should be constantly monitored […]

People before patterns

Home Sales & Channel IncentivesIt’s useful to categorise people. But segmentation is simplification, and no substitute for getting personal.The Loyalist lowdown:Demographic segmentation is useful. But it has its limitations. How can we go beyond its aggregated patterns and neat categorisations? By using data to get really personal. By getting out from behind our desks and […]

The changing rules of engagement at work

Home Employee EngagementTo engage or not to engage? That is not the question. Rather, it’s about how different folks respond to different strokes.The Loyalist lowdown:Employee engagement is no longer a question of if; it’s now about how. Generational shifts have driven two big trends that are changing the way organisations engage their people. One, a […]

Different, but the same: minding the generation gap

Home Are Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and Gen Zs really as different as we think? It’s complicated…The Loyalist lowdown:There are generation gaps. People of different ages use different media and should be communicated with in different ways. They also want to be engaged in different ways. On the other hand, everyone wants to be […]