Data’s practical arrival might be a little delayed, but it’s coming. And it’s bringing some gifts.
Organisations can confidently infer valuable signals about their employees’ plans and intentions.
Data is full of hidden clues. If you can find them, you can use them to solve difficult business challenges.
Using artificial intelligence to aid and improve quality assurance has radical benefits for everyone, at every step.
The potential is alluring, but getting there is more of a crawl than a sprint. There are reasons for that.

Are Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and Gen Zs really as different as we think? It’s complicated…
To engage or not to engage? That is not the question. Rather, it’s about how different folks respond to different strokes.
While it’s useful to categorise people, segmentation is simplification. And no substitute for getting personal.
These days, communicating with different customers is a lot more complicated. But it also presents a lot more opportunity.
Rewards are enduringly and universally reliable. But the way they’re given and used changes over time.